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school girl takes a wizz!

On today s House of Taboo set we have our 2011 newcomer Avril Sun dressed in a fancy school girl outfit, with pig-tails, hanging out in someone s freshly painted flat and taking a wizz all over their satin sheets!The brown haired, brown eyed beauty has been on a roll since her debut back in August, and here she decides to be a bit naughty. When your as good looking as most of our models are, it doesn t really matter what you do, someone out there is going to be jerking off! Even if that means pissing yourself. The only thing that s missing here is one of Avril s fans catching her golden fluid in their mouth! The HD camera zooms in on the golden fluid flying out of her smooth snatch frame by frame, accenting her labia, puckered asshole, and see-through pumps. She then kicks back on the steps, with a feeling of relief and dips her finger in the liquid for a taste. Maybe she had some pineapple juice all week long and it s sweet. Any volunteers to find out?

  • 00:05:12
  • Dec 12, 2011
  • 195


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