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halloween pole dance!

This holiday is always a fun time in strip clubs, because the dancers invariably dress up in costumes which add to the sensuousness of their performances. We see an example of this when Tiffany Doll entertains David Perry on the pole--the metal one onstage, and the fleshy one in his pants! Teasing lucky Dave in her stockings, Halloween hat and dress, she soon gets his cock between her socked feet, stroking it from below and above. Sometimes he holds the pole while she jacks his inches with her peds, and then other times she stands over him and rubs his inches with her sole. Tiffany sits down between Daves legs and, holding his prick in her feet, sucks it at the same time. Dave pulls off her socks with his teeth, and we finally get to see her splendidly shaped peds with their red-polished nails. She strokes his johnson, and we observe her alternately smooth and wrinkled soles as she works her magic on his meat until he finally blows his gooey load all over her insteps. Then he helps he

  • 00:26:47
  • Oct 28, 2011
  • 180


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