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doing the double dong!

Zorah White is a blonde newcomer with a taste for a huge double dong! Naked except for her heels, and sucking on her toy, she crams it into her cooch with a big smile on her face. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in tight for huge closeups that will fill your computer screen with the arousing sight of her sweet clam brimming with the humongous toy! Wow, does Zorah ever spread her legs wide! Losing herself in the sensation of her plunging dildo, she closes her eyes and moans in arousal. Then Zorah gets on her knees and stuffs herself in the doggie style position. Fingers go deeply into her pussy, and the dildo penetrates her ass! Zorah shows a lot of promise for future horny appearances, and displays quite a gape when she’s done banging herself in the butt!

  • 00:07:13
  • Oct 11, 2011
  • 161


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