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the horniness of kora

The incredible Kora takes a bath, and our dicks are all the better for it! Before getting into the Jacuzzi, she poses in her lavender bra and panty set, showing off that mouthwatering 36DDD/E-25-38 body. Slowly lowering the cups, she reveals those astoundingly firm and gigantic globes in their naked glory, licking her lips with her pink tongue and squeezing her squachies together. We’re treated to some great low angle views looking up at those globes, too.Kora takes down her panties, sucks on her nipples, and pulls apart her pussy with those sharp red fingernails. Then she turns on the water and, as it splashes into the tub, sucks on a glass dildo which she places between her cleavage. As the water pours into the tub, she slides the dildo into her hungry snatch and continues to lick her tits. She lays down in the tub to enjoy the refreshment of the whirlpool jets pouring water all over her body. Water splashes and pools over her glands as she keeps licking her lips at us and sucking on the dildo, which soon goes back into her clam--underwater! There’s no stopping the horniness of Kora in the tub--see for yourself.

  • 00:23:41
  • Oct 06, 2011
  • 297


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