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surrendering to her toy!

Szofya Cox really goes to town on her vibrator! Except for her strappy black heels, she s naked on a pillowy couch, and she sucks on a large pink vibrator and quickly inserts it into her matching pink pussy. We see the toy sticking out of her crotch from many different angles as the cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture Szofya satisfying herself, tugging her cheeks apart so the dildo can throb freely in the deep channel of her cunny. When her shoes come off, this alluring blonde can then writhe barefoot on the pillows, giving us doggie style views of the toy bobbing in her box. But Szofya gets most serious when shes finally on her back again, concentrating on cramming the toy as far as she can take it and exploding on its buzzy power. See her orgasms in high resolution pix and HD video!

  • 00:20:48
  • Sep 27, 2011
  • 189


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