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cindy s orgasm break

Cindy Hope, aka Klaudia, has long been one of our most popular models. She makes her 22nd appearance here, this time looking elegant in a short lavender dress as she sits in an office. She also shows off her legs on high strappy heels. Cindy reveals her black thong panties, and we can see the two dolphin tattoos on either side of her pussy. Teasing us nice and slow, she lets the dress slip off her pretty boobs and then she pulls aside her panty to show us her pussy. We get treated to hot views of that world-class ass too. Going into a file cabinet, she takes out a long purple vibrator, sucks on it, then slides it into her snatch for a little orgasm break. Her panties come down all the way so she can fully enjoy herself with the toy. You’ll fully enjoy yourself, too, as you see the vibrator moving in and out of her moist pinkness in pix and HD video!!

  • 00:14:42
  • Sep 11, 2011
  • 211


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