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make a date with tess!

Meet newcomer Tess in the garden as she strips down to her pretty nakedness. Starting out in a baby doll frock and black open-toe heels, Tess flirts with her cute bottom, showing us the filmy black crotch of her thong. She pulls aside her panty to display her smooth slit, which she spreads wide with her fingers. Then, taking off her thong, Tess pulls apart her cheeks to reveal her asshole, before squatting on the stone steps of the garden and showing us her pinkness again. Tess has really nice legs, and Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture some fine shots of her leaning over while standing in her heels. There are also beautiful studies of Tess from behind, showcasing the shape of her back and bottom. Finally Tess reveals her pussy in even more detail. With the soft sunlight caressing the edge of her body, she looks very lickable indeed!

  • 00:17:22
  • Aug 24, 2011
  • 220


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