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climax before brunch!

Sandra Sanchez posing outside a country restaurant on a lazy morning before sitting down to a tasty brunch and drinks. Looking relaxed but maybe feeling restrained by her lavender peasant blouse and loose ivory skirt. Sandra peels down to her hip-hugger panties and, settling in the shade, begins to stroke. I really like the shots of her posed with her underpants mid-thigh, just before she really gets into using her fingers to penetrate herself, and then switching to a handy green plastic vibrator. We get some incredible closeups of her lusciously moist pussy as she parts it with her French-manicured fingers! Most people get this uninhibited only after having some champagne or Bloody Marys...but Sandra definitely has a head start as she works her coochie into a pre-brunch orgasm!

  • 00:19:22
  • Jul 24, 2011
  • 179


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