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red heeled slevie masturbates in closet

The other day Ukrainian honey Slevie invited us for a glimpse at her masturbation sessions in her closet. She says she usually likes to rub one out before her day starts and all things are well. Wearing a sexy red dotted dress she poses for us and throws it over her head revealing some hot pink panties. After bending her fine round ass over on the chair and giving us a birds eye view of her bald snapper she turns and straddles the chair and gapes her little bird open, showing us how tight and tasty it is. Her perky palookas both screaming for a mouthful of action. She then starts finger banging her shaved puss and pulls out a large vibrator for some assistance. Rubbing her perky tits and holding the head of the vibrator right on her clit sends her to a screaming orgasm and you can see her happy beaver glistening in it s own juices. Nice way to start the day!

  • 00:13:17
  • Jul 19, 2011
  • 248


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