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sweet smile of seduction!

It’s amazing how much mileage a girl can get out of a smile. Linet proves this when she poses in a bra, panties, fishnet thigh-highs, and black patent wedgies in a bathtub. Although she shows off her gorgeous puffy nipples on those 38C titties, and even sticks a silver bullet vibrator up her butthole, it’s that sexy smile of hers that really seals the deal! Yes, she plays with her pussy in the cut-out sheer panties, and she takes off her bra and licks her nips and sticks her round booty in our faces; and being in a tub, she delightfully wets her lithe and lovely body with the spray attachment and we get to see the water coursing down her smooth tummy right into the shaved smoothness of her snatch. But everything is topped by getting to see this girl’s unique movie-goddess face looking at us with that smile that is so sexy and fills our head with volumes of erotic daydreams! So don’t miss Linet!!

  • 00:21:52
  • Jun 21, 2011
  • 234


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