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prescription for pleasure!

Sometimes a pretty girl is just what the doctor ordered! Just before I reviewed newcomer Bailey’s photos , I got a phone call with some unsettling news about a friend, and I was rather upset. But I’m a trouper and told myself the show must go on, so I sat back down to resume my work and get acquainted with Bailey’s pix, whereupon my mood definitely improved! Firstly, this raven-tressed gal is a slender but curvy beauty with a warm and friendly smile, who poses with ease and naturalness. Secondly, her sexy body is outfitted in a leopard print bikini and matching heels that really complement her good looks! Thirdly, she’s also laying on a leopard print bedspread that superbly showcases her loveliness in all the ways men like. And finally, these photos and HD video truly spotlight the masterly skills of DDF Productions in presenting yet another new beauty to increase the horny happiness of the lucky members of!

  • 00:19:11
  • Jun 03, 2011
  • 163


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