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barely 18 on the bus

Rissa May was walking to the beach when a white van pulled up and the guys offered her $100 for a few questions. Yes she just turned 18. Quickly they got to offering her $1000 if she would be naked on the nude beach. Of course they would drive her there. Quick $1000? Of course she was in. While driving they offered another $100 if she would already get naked in the van. What a beautiful sight. Jay Bangher was wearing short shorts and his dick started to peek out. Another $100 to touch it, another $100 to kiss it. In now time they fucked. Her huge breasts were bouncing with bumps the van was hitting. They fucked and fucked until Jay came in her face. They said good bye and left her stranded.

  • 00:53:24
  • Aug 16, 2023
  • 1445


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