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hot new model returns [part 2]

In my opinion, is definitely one of the sexiest girls on the lineup these days, and if it had hands, my dick would be clapping over her latest set of photos and HD video. These are a continuation of her appearance on 5/5/11. This time Lexi starts out nude and ready to play with a silver bullet vibrator. Flashing that warm and inviting smile under her bright blue eyes, wearing only fluffy black marabou slippers, she slides the vibrator into her pussy as she moves around on the couch. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews go in tight for enormous closeups of her scrumptious slit and butthole, and you’ll feel you’re right there with Lexi and moving the toy back and forth yourself with your hand. We get terrific views of Lexi’s long legs too as she poses on the carpet and laying on the floor. I can’t get enough of Lexi Lowe, and can’t wait to see what she’ll do next!

  • 00:13:44
  • May 17, 2011
  • 180


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