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small sweetie, large shaft

Such a petite-looking sweetie, such a large shaft! Such are the components of this entertaining scene between Jesicca Neidth and Neeo. They seem to be in a waiting room, maybe to see some professional, and they’re reading magazines separately when they realize they can enjoy Neeo’s enormity TOGETHER! Jesicca has no panties under her miniskirt, and that’s enough inspiration for Neeo to suck her titties and get her to take his root in her cute hand. She spreads her pink as she blows him with girlish joy, licking his rod and nuts even as she looks over at us periodically to make sure we’re enjoying the show. They move around on the couch to take advantage of all the various positions she can be placed in to take his inches into her pretty head, and these sexy blowjob pics end with a fine facial cum shot after which Jes hungrily licks up his spume from her fingers!

  • 00:14:40
  • Jun 16, 2013
  • 337


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