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veruca james - stepsister s confession: part 2

Part Two - There s a knock on the door, but it s not room service. Veruca James hurries into the hotel room, taking big stepbrother by surprise. He s shocked to see her. He d left a note on her pillow saying that he had to go on a business trip. She rushed to find him, feeling abandoned after their intense night of passion. She knows what she wants, but she senses he may be having second thoughts. Veruca wraps her arms around him and talks about how she could be that one woman who cares for him. The one he wakes up to in the morning. They kiss, but he stops to ask her if she s sure. Veruca tells him she s never been more sure about anything in her life. They fuck long into the night, Veruca cumming again and again on big stepbrother s cock. She begs him to fill her pussy with his cum. As it drips out of her freshly fucked pussy, she s elated to finally feel such a sensation after years of fantasizing. She turns to him and asks him to promise that he and his dick belong to her now.

  • 00:13:12
  • Aug 14, 2023
  • 168


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