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in slinks the minx!

You enter the room and who do you find sitting on the couch? Sophie Lynx, that auburn-tressed Hungarian minx! Lithe and slender, she pulls you into her orbit immediately with her captivating grey eyes as your own orbs grab a glimpse of her bare nipple under the deep decolletage of her loose fitting blouse. She tugs aside her black mini to show you her panties, then leans back to reveal the pink, gleaming with arousal and she’s only getting started! Turning around, she shows us her taut butt before standing up to strip down so she’s completely comfortable for the full display of her charms. She peels off her thong and we can really see her pouty peach then, which she opens like a naughty flower. Kneeling on the couch, she spreads herself for doggie style, which hopefully would include a plunge into that crater-like butthole! And to top it off, Sophie gives us a sexy pinup-style shot at the end, stretched out on the couch and showing off the rolling curves of her delectable bod in this fine slice of glamour porn.

  • 00:26:40
  • Apr 03, 2013
  • 244


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