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awe and desire for ava dalush!

The lady in her bath is a timeless theme and no wonder! The female form is so powerful in its nakedness and comes with so many associations both of pleasure and of sin! (Look up “Susanna” from the Biblical Book of Daniel on Wikipedia to see what we mean!) Therefore, the mere act of feminine bathing has spectacular symbolism that goes right to our masculine loins...stiffening us into awe and desire! And this is what you will feel as you gaze upon Ava Dalush, a British beauty new to our site, who is loaded with a casual charisma and a deliciously curved body that is gaining her new fans worldwide everyday. Winning the glory of Model of the Day, Ava’s “jack-worthy” even when still dressed in her satiny flower print robe, but she soon strips naked and poses with a hint of a teasing smile that will get your testes twitchin’! She wets herself with the shower attachment, rubs soap all over her bod, then rinses off and fingers her pretty pie. If fapping like a fiend burns out brain cells, there will be no hope for us by the time we’re done studying Ava s incredible set of pix and video!! Uh, what is 2 + 2? 3? 5? 7? Oh well!!! ;)

  • 00:14:11
  • Mar 22, 2013
  • 212


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