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breaking in her pet!

In today’s economy, society has to offer a wider range of opportunities to people so they can survive. And if a person is willing to become someone’s pet, and have all expenses taken care of, well, isn’t that a viable option if both Mistress and pet are content with the arrangement? And so we here at House of Taboo offer this new scene not merely as an exercise in extreme sex and lesbian bondage, illustrated vividly in photos and a Full HD BDSM video, but as a proposal for the way impoverished young women can find food, lodging, and lots of pussy to eat when there are no regular jobs to be had! Gina Devine plays the girl from the poor side of the tracks, submitting as the Sapphic human puppy of the high society kinkster embodied by Mia Manarote. With her face encircled by a pink face harness, a red ball gag stuffed in her mouth, and her wrists and ankles cuffed, Gina is led around the room on a leash and gets her pretty tushy spanked with a riding crop until she is totally pliable to her owner’s demands. Gina is clearly still at the “breaking in” stage. But all is not humiliation; Mistress Mia also rubs and penetrates Gina’s shaved pussy with the crop, and licks it too. She shifts her “Doggie Girl” around on the love seat so her pet can experience doggie style from the crop, too. Then, as a reward for her obedience, Mia takes off Gina’s face harness and gag so that she can lick the cunny of her divine mistress. Gina performs well, and then with her tongue gets to scoop up a crunchy canine treat from Mia’s hand, which puts a big smile on Gina’s face!

  • 00:22:09
  • Mar 22, 2013
  • 589


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