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perky pretty posterior!

You know the old saying, “Once they’ve seen the big city, how are you gonna keep em down on the farm?” This comes to mind when looking through this new scene of the Czech beauty Leila Smith as she gives us a classic strip out of her skimpy, nipple-revealing top and leopard-print panties. She’s got such a cute ass which she perks with pretty panache in our direction, then rolls around on a pink-red bedspread and shows off her asshole. And it’s that asshole that represents the big city, friends--because after sticking it happily in our faces and preparing it with a finger, Leila crams it with a pink ribbed plastic dildo, really rooting it around in her bottom and taking a lot of it inside. Once a girl has known the pleasures of her posterior like this, how you gonna keep her satisfied "down on the farm" fucking her pussy alone? Leila truly represents the modern girl who’s tried so much that she can only search for ever greater thrills. In the meantime, she’ll lick her toy clean after she takes it out of her tushy! A wild babe indeed.

  • 00:23:19
  • Mar 17, 2013
  • 194


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