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filling our lusty minds!

There is no pictorial or video that doesn’t also take on a life of its own in your imagination. A scene exists in the depiction made by the photographer, but it also becomes a collaboration when a fan looks at it online. Case in point, is this new scene when Katia Dé Lys meets David Perry. Katia shows up for some kind of audition and gives her portfolio over to David to review. She is dressed to kill, especially in her tight pedal pusher pants and strappy purple heels which show off her red polished toes delightfully. After they have a drink, Katia gets woozy and falls down, but David is quick to make her feel better with some intensive foot loving. Now, here’s where a fan’s imagination can come into play. Just imagine Katia as your girlfriend or wife, who has all sorts of kinky fantasies she wants to live out with other men, so she auditions for porn under the tutelage of experienced XXX superstud Mr. Perry! This idea brings a cuckold angle into the scene, as you can then watch Katia have her shoes removed and sniffed by David prior to her stroking his prick with her bare soles, getting fucked in her pussy while she sticks her soles in your direction, takes it doggie style and cowgirl while looking over at you, and making sure she wrinkles her soles at you. And then when she takes David’s big load on her soles, she gives you an even-more meaningful look as she thrusts her messy size 8.5 feet in your direction. See what we mean about how fans collaborate to create sets in their individual minds that take off from the imaginations of the photographers? Let’s make Katia our Model of the Day for filling our kinky brains so abundantly!

  • 00:29:46
  • Mar 15, 2013
  • 189


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