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taking you with gusto!

You just moved into a new apartment, but you haven’t met all your neighbors yet...but then on the stairway you bump into Russian beauty Lucy Heart...who likes to give a big “welcome” to the new tenants, starting by opening her red coat and revealing that all she’s wearing under her pearls are a black bustier, garters, thong, and stockings! You chat a little, but Lucy quickly makes it clear that she’s not big on conversation. Pointing to her tongue, she lets you know exactly what she’s interested in, and then she immediately gets down on her knees still on the stairway to take your big meat into her pretty face. She absorbs your shaft deeply into her throat, clearly savoring the slide of your inches down her tongue...but then she wants to get more comfortable, and leads you into her apartment where she gives you a masturbation show before getting you to straddle her face with your plunging rod. Her tongue sure feels warm on the underside of your cocktip! But she’s hardly passive, getting you down on the carpet too, wrapping your rigid dick in her pearls as she keeps moving her head up and down, taking you in with all her uninhibited love how tightly she grasps your prick and squints her eyes in absolute pleasure as she blows you! Oh how she loves the newbies to the building!! After standing over you for a little more of pussy fingering, she gets ready for her creamy reward--which you deliver gooey and bubbly between her lusty lips!

  • 00:19:50
  • Mar 12, 2013
  • 240


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