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her tattoos tell a sexy tale!

Since her leg casting video, Isla has been busy riding the Sybian and wetting herself. Today we bring you the English babe’s solo casting set where she tells us the tales of her sexy tattoos and makes the cameraman horny from the git go!Isla comes in wearing a tight black tank that showcases her amazing cleavage, tight jeans, and dominatrix type black platform heels. The “perverted cameraman” as he calls himself, asks if she wouldn’t mind if he touches his balls as she strips naked, and proceeds to question her about her tattoos.This girl is not only beautiful, but she’s a talented musician, as well, noted by the trumpet tattoo on her left arm. There’s an exquisite tattoo of flowers that go up and down her right leg. But our favorites are probably the one that says “A Man’s Ruin” underneath the left of her big suckable breasts and the “FMC” (which stands for “Fuck My Cunt”) on her crotch. As Isla shows her cleanly shaved pussy with a pretty piercing the cameraman comments that it’s the kind of pussy that would look great with hair. Hair Twatter next? And are we dreaming or is she masturbating? Yes folks she is indeed touching her pink! Unfortunately for our perverted cameraman, it’s not an invitation!If you want to see more of the sexy black-haired beauty, check her out on Hot Legs And Feet, 1By-Day, House of Taboo, DDF Beauties, and Euro Girl On Girls.

  • 00:12:57
  • Apr 09, 2013
  • 150


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