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the urge will grab you!

Mira Sunset from Hungary greets us and quickly peels down to her black-and-white bustier, which has an interesting black feathery fringe along the decolletage. She doesn’t waste any time in taking down her skirt as well, as this hot babe gets ready to show us her stunning shape, especially her round tight bottom.The bustier comes off and we see her lovely firm C-ups, and then Mira sits on the edge of the bed, takes off her shoes, and tempts us with her legs in cream-colored lace-topped stockings. She tugs down her panties and lays back on the bed, her glorious red hair splayed out on the pillow behind her as she poses pinup style on the sheets. We see her pierced pussy and the inviting pinkness within.It all builds up to an incredible shot at the end, a vista of her body that highlights the pear-like roundness of her incredible derriere! Oh to squeeze, lick, and fuck that fanny would be a joy! But we’ll settle for squirting a few loads over it whenever the urge grabs us and doesn’t let go!

  • 00:19:28
  • Apr 10, 2013
  • 202


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