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shoe service gets cozy!

Staying in a hotel in a city far from her home in Portugal, Erica Fontes needs some new shoes for an important business meeting. Angelo Ferro helps her try on a selection sent up by the hotel ladies shop. But Erica is not pleased with the shoes at first...until finally she gets a pink and beige pair of slingbacks with a cut-out design that tickle her fancy...or maybe its Angelo s attentive kissing of her legs that really sways her?He gets his cock out to rub between her feet, clad in beige stockings in the shoes. He sucks her peds, then she blows him and jacks him off with her nylon-sheathed soles. Playing with her pussy and tits while sucking her feet, he soon rubs his meat between her knees.Angelo manages to fuck Erica doggie-style while licking her right foot. Very dexterous! Then he takes off one of her stockings and she feeds it into his mouth. But this is a girl who wants cock, and soon shes sitting on his shaft while showing us her size 7.5 feet, each toe adorned with nice toe

  • 00:32:47
  • Apr 12, 2013
  • 345


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