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delicious distraction!

Every female executive should have a French maid to tidy up her office. That’s certainly what Madlin has felt since she reached the top of her industry as a Chief Financial Officer. The only problem is...delicious distraction! See what we mean today...Vanda looks so inviting in her black-and-white maid’s outfit complete with white pinafore-style apron. And those b&w polka pantyhose are so sexy! Not to mention her black patent oxford heels. But Madlin is no slouch in the dress-up department. Check out those fire engine red peep toe pumps. Vanda sure is, while she feather-dusts them!Soon she takes off her boss’s shoes to savor the size 7.5 feet in their sheer black nylons. And when Madlin lifts Vanda’s uniform, she rubs her peds on Vanda’s pantyhose crotch before working her mouth over Vanda’s pantyhosed size 7.5 toes!You’ll love the way Vanda’s bright red toenail polish gleams through the pantyhose. She keeps busy licking her boss’s pussy and then her toes when the nylons come off. Soon enough all the hosiery slides away and the girls use the desk for a foot-69. They savor their bare tootsies in mouth and snatch alike. Then these Hungarian beauties pose their feet for us, so we can take a few licks ourselves! So see it all. Pantyhose, nylon stockings, toe sucking, and splendid high heels in this HotLegsAndFeet instant classic!

  • 00:34:15
  • Apr 08, 2013
  • 1475


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