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sensual showcase of nylon beauty!

Looking elegant and pretty, dressed as if she’s ready to go to a cocktail party held in the garden of some bountiful billionaire, Mia Manarote sits in a sunny living room. But instead of leaving, she trains her blue eyes on us, as she lifts her fluttery dress to show off the lacy tops of her stockings and the black thong that covers her sweet pie. Mia’s 34C boobs are so firm she needs no bra, and she strips off her frock and sits down in a chair, crossing her long nylon legs. She takes off one pretty black pump and sucks the heel and sniffs the innersole, then when both her shoes are off, she props up her size 6.5 Czech feet on a nearby table so we can study her clear-polished toes through her sheer stockings. Peeling down her thong, she kneels in the chair and lets us gasp at the splendor of her ass, before propping both her thighs on the arms of the chair and spreading her pink pussy. Mia slides down her right stocking, pulling it off for a good sniff, before taking off her left stocking and giving it the same treatment. Then we can feast our orbs on her bare feet, which she showcases by standing on her tiptoes when she’s not busy wrapping her hands in her nylons and sniffing them. Finally Mia kneels on the chair again and presses her naked soles together, her twenty toes tight so we can imagine our lucky cocks trapped in the grasp of her feet and tugged and jobbed and jerked and squirted to pleasure as Mia looks over her shoulder and thinks, “I can rule these guys with my feet!” You sure can, Miss Manarote!

  • 00:24:59
  • Apr 03, 2013
  • 447


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