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pool hustling can wait!

Did you know there are many great female pool players? As in so many other areas of endeavor, women today are demonstrating their long-dormant prowess. Perhaps inspired by this, Lucia Love figures she’ll brush up on her game and maybe make some extra bucks hustling eightball down at the local billiard parlor, but when she takes the cover off the green felt in the recreation room of a friend, she discovers a double dong that proves most distracting to her original goal! Soon she’s sucking on the toy and thrusting it between her tits, rubbing it over her nipples and cramming it into her quim. Of course, since a double dong is a terrible thing to waste, into her asshole also goes the other end, turning the toy into a kind of handle clamped to her crotch! Lucia bangs herself silly with the two-headed phallus and then licks her own juices off afterward. Well, at the rate of her current progress in pool practice, maybe she won’t be hustling eightball any time soon...but her snatch will be well satisfied! Enjoy this pornstar from Great Britain in her nude pics and Full HD erotic video!

  • 00:27:59
  • Apr 02, 2013
  • 165


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