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a taboo deelight!

Today watch the casting of British fetish lover Angel Deelight and hear all about her sordid BDSM sex-tales! The petite and curvy blonde tells us that she’s already been playing with BDSM for 15 years! That’s a true veteran! She prefers to be a submissive and does a little show-and-tell. Angel likes full control taken from her and do whatever her dominant wants her to do. So when we tell her to strip down, she obeys stepping out of her jeans and top, and like a good girl leaves her sexy 4-inch platform heels on. Laying back on the hard table, she shows us one of her positions as if tied-up with her hands above her head, legs spread out wide, first with panties on, and then with her shaved pussy on full display.We then tell her to get into one of her favorite positions, doggy. She smiles when we ask her if it’s painful kneeling atop the table, and replies, “No pain, no gain”. Oh yes, she’ll fit right in at House of Taboo and you can check out her past sets to see for yourself.

  • 00:10:19
  • Mar 28, 2013
  • 160


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