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serve her peach!

There are some girls who are born for seduction, who cannot help seducing every man who comes into their orbits. And men do become like planets around these feminine suns! Today take a look at newcomer Camila and see if you don’t agree. Her freshness mixed with her powerful cuteness and those long legs, presented to our members in a Full HD erotic video and nude pics, is enough to distract you from anything else you might be doing. She peels out of her blue denim short shorts and shows us her pink and black polka dot bra and thong set. She’s enough to jerk off to still in her lingerie, but Camila doesn’t stop there. The shots of her plump ivory butt with the thong pulled down just under the cheeks will make you crazy to jerk and squirt. She knows that and loves it. She’s very coy about showing off her bare titties and twat but when she finally does she knows you’re going to be aching for every inch of her. Lifting her legs, she has an expression that shows how she loves making our plumbing all worked up. Her pussy is a naked shaved peach, and in one low angle shot she looks down with surprising arrogance, waiting to be serviced. You’ll blow a big load over this hot babe! Let’s make Camila our Model of the Day.

  • 00:17:17
  • Mar 27, 2013
  • 211


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