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rubbing the repairman

Its been a steamy summer, and with air-conditioning so important, those Russian hotties redheaded Lindsey Olsen and brunette Nataly Gold are making sure their unit is in tip-top shape. Today they get Choky Ice to change the filter, but since hes such a sexy hunk to them, they also decide to seduce him with their gorgeous legs and feet, outfitted in colorful pantyhose and peep toe heels in this fetish XXX video. Naturally the cant resist indulging himself with their pantyhose-covered gams, and soon hes sniffing their shoes while they work his dick out of his jeans with their nimble peds. One girl holds the meat while the other sucks it, then he fucks Lindsey while Nataly rubs his balls with her nylon foot, and then he wraps his prick in their pantyhose for an extra kinky thrill. Finally, though, they get down to the nitty gritty of pleasing his prick with their bare peds with bright polished toenails, sucking his cock and riding it, and sucking their own feet too, until they get rew

  • 00:31:44
  • Jul 19, 2013
  • 354


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