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innovations of temptation!

The ancient civilization of the Japanese has been practicing the arts and crafts of temptation and desire for so long that carnal connoisseurs today the world over benefit from their insights, inspirations, and innovations. “Cosplay” is one of these recent innovations--where the clothing styles of the past, such as European-style Victorian aprons and petticoats, are used to dress up a female so that even when she is fully clothed, she radiates a truly kinky eroticism. In effect, she seems exposed and subliminally naked even when completely attired! It s sheer brilliance. And in this spirit we have Mia Manarote for you in her frilly black and white cosplay dress, pinafore, petticoats and hair accessories tugging her tresses into girlish twin ponytails, looking so flowery from the git-go that when she lifts up her skirts to display her naked shaved pussy, it almost seems like an afterthought because she’s already made us think of pussy, pussy, pussy just by standing before us fully dressed! But Mia brings the modern aspect into it by squatting on the love seat, opening up her pink, fingering it, and showing us her pretty bottom while keeping her cosplay dress on.

  • 00:24:52
  • Mar 01, 2013
  • 271


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