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lovely in the spray!

It’s nice to be at a warm location during the winter months! That must be going through the mind of Danielle Maye from the United Kingdom as she walks around in a pretty summery dress and strolls over to an outdoor shower. She peels off her frock and gives us a little tease with her frilly white bra and panties, then she turns on the shower and strips herself down. Standing before us in her 34D-25-36 glory, she then sits on the edge of the wooden tub underneath the shower and plays with her peach, getting herself wet and sticky inside and letting us feast our eyes on her tits, ass, and snatch. Then she stands in the tub and lets the shower pour down on her body, creating some very pretty pictures indeed as the misty sunlit spray forms an aura around her curvy bottom and voluptuously curved back. Miss Maye gives us plenty of pleasant ogling time as she rinses her body and shares lots of seductive smiles.

  • 00:19:43
  • Feb 15, 2013
  • 174


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