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her incredible face and shape!

Never underestimate the power of a little black dress; that might be the moral of this new scene! Because it s an item that exerts total fascination on the horny mind, as demonstrated by Satin Bloom today. In fact, you’ll probably start whacking first to her poses in the dress and beige pumps, where she shows off her 34C-24-35 curves, her abundant cleavage pushed up to perfection, and the flower tattoo on her right shoulder. Miss Bloom has exceptionally shapely legs which she displays in some pinup-style poses, and then she starts slowly peeling aside the frock to let us enjoy her amazing behind, which she sticks out in the panties which cover it so delightfully. We get panty crotch teasing as well, and great shots of her knockers in her matching lacy bra cups. Really, Satin’s shape is a wonder to behold, and we bet you’ll be done with two loads before she even gets to the vibrator action! Wow does she look great in doggie style with a pink toy peeking out of her pussy!! No wonder our member "mansonitis" called her "Most beautiful woman in the world!" That s quite an ambitious title, sure, but Satin is definitely in the running!! Oh, and did we mention her face is knockout gorgeous too??

  • 00:21:12
  • Feb 12, 2013
  • 332


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