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latex surprise for lady after a busy day on business trip

.Becky and I love sex in all its forms. And sometimes we prefer to do something unpredictable, or use different images in sex. I am a Sissy Slut for her, so she often decides for herself in what way I should fuck her. But this time I decided to make a surprise for her. She just loves beautiful lingerie and especially latex lingerie. I had to go on a short business trip in another city not very far from ours, Becky decided to go on a tour with me and at the same time help with business documents, especially since we went by car and took with us not only business suits, but also something erotic. To make a friend a surprise, each of us packed things for the journey himself, and in secret from each other. I took underwear made of the finest natural latex that Becky had never seen on me before. In general, after all the business visits I have disturbed. Then I came to the hotel, changed into latex underwear, left the hotel and waited for Becky to return and start working on the documents.

  • 00:57:50
  • Aug 12, 2023
  • 58


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