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maid for a stud!

Sometimes we have to look deep into our hearts to find out what will make us truly happy. And that is the moral of the little roleplay performed by Sheila Grant and David Perry in our featured boy-girl scene today. Life has been so much better for Sheila since she realized she wants to simply be a French maid, complete with uniform and pantyhose, to a kinky sex stud like Mr. Perry. She wants to come into his office where he is busy writing, and make him distracted and full of desire for her curvy body. But he doesn t want to fuck her, instead he wants to enjoy her feet both in and out of her sheer black pantyhose. And so he gets her to put aside her chores so he can take off her shoes, kiss her feet through the nylons and feel them on his gigantic prick. He loves having this beautiful woman ready to pleasure him with her size 6.5 feet, which jack his cock as he licks her pussy. When he pulls off her tights, he experiences her barefoot toe and sole service. After sucking her naked toes, he enjoys her foot job, creaming her arches with his copious spunk...which Sheila then shows off proudly as a mark of her skill as a footjobbin’ maid!

  • 00:25:48
  • Feb 08, 2013
  • 261


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