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sucking her dreamboat

Green-eyed Russian blonde cutie Polli is thinking about her porn idol Timo Hardy, looking at his website and fantasizing about his masterful ways with women. She falls asleep and then, upon awakening, finds him sitting with his cock out right in her room!
Although Polli looks all dressed up to go out on a Sunday afternoon date with someone else, probably some young man from her college, she quickly drops to her knees to give Mr. Hardys legendary big dick the porn-style cock sucking she has been craving to deliver directly to her dreamboat!
Yes, its a dream fulfilled for Polli to feel Timos hands on the back of her head, urging her face downward onto his prick, and then to slowly slide out of her clothes as she feels sluttier and wilder with every passing moment that his meat fills her mouth in these sexy blowjob pics and Full HD video!
It may only be a dream...but it seems so real, and shell make the most of it with balls licking and deepthroat as Timo slides down her tongue

  • 00:18:17
  • Mar 14, 2015
  • 178


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