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good morning, goliath!

Gloria is settling in to read an editorial by her favorite newspaper columnist just as you come into the room. Your need for her carnal company wins out over her desire to read, and the paper is quickly put aside as you get Gloria all stirred up for your cock by looking at her hot ass and fingering her pink hole. Soon she’s taking on “Goliath,” as she affectionately calls your massive member, and she fills her face with its proud veiny girth. In fact, all thoughts of reading are wiped from Gloria’s mind as she grasps your tower of power with both of her hungry hands, savoring the satiny warmth of your rod as she descends her lips lower and lower on those colossal inches, while looking at you with pride that she can tame such an imposing log. Losing herself in the moment, she soon closes her eyes in a feminine ecstasy of dick worship and leans back so that you can climactically cram her face and finally fill her mouth with the heady cream that says “good morning, dear!” better than any orange juice on the market!!

  • 00:18:00
  • Feb 05, 2013
  • 232


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