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correction on a staircase [part 2]

Those who transgress the rules must be ready to accept correction for their breaches of protocol. Thus it has always been, and always shall be so that civilization may be maintained in spite of the restless nature of some individuals. And to demonstrate this worthy theme, we return to bad student Amber Nevada who, having peed all over herself in Part 1 while waiting for dormitory housemistress Amarna Miller to come downstairs to chastise her further, is now about to receive her discipline. In her gray pencil skirt, heels, stockings, and simple white blouse, Miss Miller looks formidable indeed, and the yellow T-square she brandishes as a spanking implement metes out painful punishment indeed on Amber’s naughty behind. Once again the shameless girl urinates on herself, further proof (if proof need there be!) that young females should not indulge themselves with beer! Miss Miller spits into the mouth of her student, to demonstrate her contempt for Amber’s behavior. She then spanks her more furiously with the T-square, making Amber’s cheeks jiggle. Then she has Amber lick her pussy, since if the girl is not going to be a good student academically, perhaps she could be a good sex slave to a housemistress erotically! Miss Miller sits on Amber’s face and rubs her pussy with the high heel of her black oxford. Then she leaves the student alone, to contemplate the lesson she has been given--and hopefully to take it to heart!

  • 00:35:16
  • Feb 07, 2013
  • 273


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