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gorgeous on her gizmo!

It was long believed that males were more mechanically inclined than females, but this has been disproven completely in recent years in many, many ways--especially by the ever-growing interest of the ladies in various gizmos to enhance their pleasure in the sexual realm. And to demonstrate this feminine absorption in the wonders of machinery, we have the still-eighteen year old Vanda from Hungary show us how she satisfies her pussy with a purple vibrating egg. Using the remote control, she has the contraption buzzing in her beave even before she takes down her black panties, but when she gets naked to display her 34A-25-36 body, she then can fully give rein to her desires to get off on this throbbing toy. Even as she showcases her slender but curvy figure for our appreciative eyes, she rubs the egg over her titties and crams it into her pie, then sucks off the juices which accumulate on the smooth round plastic surface. She also slides her pretty fingers into her shaved slit as well. The only thing this gorgeous gal needs now is a helping of actual cock--and we’re sure there would be no shortage of volunteers in that regard!

  • 00:32:08
  • Feb 26, 2013
  • 258


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