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lovely behind her mask!

The city of Venice has long been an internationally recognized symbol for mystery, romance, canals, and especially its Mardi Gras-like carnival which is attended by three million people annually right around this time of year. Masks are an important part of the festivities, and today we introduce newcomer Angela dressed for the carnival complete with a lovely “columbina” half-mask, named after an actress who didn’t want to cover her entire gorgeous face. Angela is ready to celebrate the holiday in her lovely dress modeled on eighteenth century gowns, but quite a bit shorter so that we can enjoy her curvaceous legs in her white nylons and heels. Angela gives us a sensuous striptease down to her blue bra and panties, but never entirely taking off her dress; instead she shows us her exciting pink puffy nipples, and then her snug shaved slit--so tasty looking above the white ribbons at the tops of her stockings. Angela puts aside her mask long enough to let us get to know her better as she plays with her pussy and shows us her bottom; but then it’s back to mystery at the end as she holds up the mask once more to her face as she gets ready for us to return her to the riotous carnival outside!

  • 00:22:18
  • Feb 01, 2013
  • 209


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