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hot massage true lesbian style!

Tracy Delicious and Leila Smith are back together again in a sizzling hot lesbian massage scene! These two Czech babes can’t seem to get enough of each other ever since their first Euro Girls On Girls set last November. When you see them together again today, you’ll understand why, as there are major sparks between the sexy duo when the redheaded siren Leila gives the blonde beauty Tracy the massage of her life. Leila oils Tracy’s milky skin up and works her practiced fingers into Tracy’s cleanly shaved pussy. Taking things up a nasty notch, Leila brings out a clit teaser to add to her rub down, and works Tracy up into an orgasm frenzy. Tracy returns the favor and plays with Leila’s pretty pink, making her body also writhe with pleasure. You don’t want to miss the amazing close-up shots of their pussy finger-banging and stretching, and it’s all coming at you in full HD!

  • 00:26:23
  • Jan 25, 2013
  • 188


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