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angel goes anal!

The angelic Amanda is trying to take her study session with Deny seriously, but he keeps reaching out to touch her and it doesn’t take long for her to give in to his advances and start kissing him back. Deny gets the sweet Russian teen on the bed and slowly works his hands under her white panties. Taking them off, her starts licking her pretty shaved pussy and brings out a clit teaser to get her even hornier. It obviously works wonders because she then goes for his cock hungrily, and takes him in her juicy pink box in any way possible, even letting him in to her tight asshole. Her puckered hole is so tight that she winces with pain with just his fingers at first, but finally loosens up to take his whole hard cock. And like a good girl, she sucks him off and gets a nice mouthful of cum in her mouth. Now that’s a true angel!

  • 00:21:07
  • Jan 17, 2013
  • 206


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