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innocent sleepover gets kinky!

Russian teen hottie Eva Smolina is back and she’s brought her newbie girlfriend Vera over to play. What seems like an innocent girls’ sleepover as they sit on the bed in their cute pink T-shirts and cotton panties, turns into a night of naughtiness as they get down to drinking beer and trying out a myriad of toys on each other. First Vera rocks Eva’s world with a clit teaser, and then Eva puts on a pink strap-on pumps Vera’s shaved pussy from below and behind. These young babes like to get nasty though, and take things anal, as Eva sticks a glass dildo into Vera’s puckered bud. Don’t miss the amazing close-ups of her ass gaped wide, and the juicy sounds as the glass dick slips in and out of her hole! Taking things to a kinky level, Vera brings the clit teaser out again and presses it up against Eva’s pink, while Eve moans and screams through her leather gag. Eva’s sweet body is racked with an orgasm so powerful and her body made so sensitive that she has to make Vera stop. Now this is what we call a sleepover!

  • 00:17:17
  • Jan 10, 2013
  • 534


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