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tory s got yellow fever

This week we have the amazing Tory Lane. Many of you may have seen her on some of our Fuck Team Five updates and already know she s straight up banging. She s super fine with big voluptuous Breasts that you can barely fit in one hand let alone your mouth. She wanted to meet someone new to fuck on the side when she wasn t shooting. So we set her up on a blind date with Bruce he s from Miami, but he from an Asian background in fact he s almost a stereotype. His parents even own a Thai Restaurant. But despite that he seemed like a cool cat and we wanted to hook him up with a chance to score a Pornstar. So we took them both out to get to know each other. A little conversation in the car, some fun activity like Yoga and a nice lunch to give him the chance to work his magic. Because here at the number one web porn site in the world, have only one question that needs answering. If a normal guy and a Pornstar should meet. CAN HE SCORE?

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 18, 2009
  • 310


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