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open-mouthed ecstasy!

Here we have another lovely new blonde paying her first visit to our site . Lucy Heart lounges on a bed in her lacy blue lingerie, rubbing a lavender pocket rocket over her pussy through her panty crotch. She slips down her underpants and slides the toy into her shaved groove, which makes her lean over in open-mouthed ecstasy. Our DDF cameras come in tight to show the vibe as Lucy rubs it around in her meaty mound. Peeling down her scanties to show us her titties and butt, she gets comfortable in the doggie style position as she masturbates herself with the potent little plastic cock. It really seems to find a cozy place right over her clit as she lets it thrum her body into orgasm! She bucks up her pelvis and moans her way to a powerful climax, then spreads her thighs wide to let us see the moistness that’s gathered between her lips!

  • 00:15:08
  • Oct 16, 2012
  • 207


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