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grovel on the gravel!

Today Czech blonde beauty Ashley Bulgari teases us with her size 8.5 feet on. Outfitted in a pink fishnet top, black cut-out leggings, and thong sandals with unusual black mesh socks that are purely ornamental and show off her black-polished toenails, Ashley sits outdoors on a stone table, displaying her gams and toes as she looks at us with a goddess-like detachment. Our DDF cameras hover around her feet, capturing them from many angles so that you can imagine licking her long toes and lapping at her heels. Slipping down her leggings, she reveals her pussy even as she takes off her sandals and rests her feet, still in those exotic socks, on the stone surface of the table.Ashley wiggles her toes at us, resting them on the back of a chair, and they re ready to be kissed and adored by any faithful slave. Then she squats on the table and sticks her ass up, giving us that “kiss my bottom!” look. She curls her peds so that her soles get wrinkly, and then she squats on the table and spreads her snatch in front of us, as if demanding cunny licking in return for the pleasure of our even looking at her feet. She lifts up her legs like a pervy pinup girl, then lowers them to the ground and leans on the gravel with her tiptoes. You’ll almost hear the crunch of the gravel under your own knees as you imagine lowering your face to her feet and groveling for worship!!

  • 00:18:02
  • Oct 17, 2012
  • 245


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