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so flexible for fucking!

Feast your eyes on yet another newcomer on as Mira displays her body in a sexy and colorful bikini. This long-legged brunette poses for us in a playful teasing style, showing off her butt and legs as she stands tiptoe on her bare feet. We get to see her titties and pussy when she finally pulls aside the top and bottom, and she keeps shifting her legs around on the couch. She takes off her bikini bottom and lets us delight in the sight of her tan lines and sweet shaved snatch, as our cameras move around her nude crotch. Spreading her gams widely on the couch, she smiles brightly for our lenses as they get great big closeups of her pink pie. Bending over, she shows us her asshole too, then finally takes off her top and lets us study her wonderful nakedness, complete with sexy armpit shots too, for the connoisseurs of that fetish! Turning upside down on the carpet and putting her legs up on the couch, she gives us even more vigorous poses at the end, showing how flexible and athletic she must be--and what a great fuck she’s no doubt capable of!!

  • 00:13:37
  • Oct 17, 2012
  • 176


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