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milking her medical fetish [pt 1]

Today’s bizarre excursion into extreme fantasy stars Daphnee Lecerf and Mugur. Mugur plays the role of a caring boyfriend, and Daphnee Lecerf portrays his kinkiest girlfriend ever, who needs to live out her most intense fantasies. Now, ever since he went to work at DDF Genital Hospital, Mugur s been able to provide Daphnee with a free place to the bottom of a cabinet, where she can rest naked, blindfolded, wrists bound, and with a plug in her vagina. Does that seem shocking? It’s what she wants as a pervy submissive with a medical fetish! The clinical environment gets her very horny. He takes her out of the cabinet by her leash, and makes sure that she’s kept the plug inside her veeg. Good girl! Then he lays her back on the examining table, takes the red plug out of her pussy, and works his fingers into her asshole. Together they’re going to explore one of her weirdest desires tonight--for a milk enema! "Gimme the milk, Mugur, and hold the cookies, ha-ha!" as she likes to say. Mugur fills an enema syringe with milk, and then squeezes it into her rectum. The liquid doesn’t stay in there long, as Daphnee instantly starts shooting it out...spraying so far that the milk leaps several feet from her anus and splatters all over a mirror! “So this is what makes you happy?” says Mugur. “Then I am happy to give it to you!” And he turns her over into the doggie position to fill her up with more milk, which she then blasts in an even more intense spray all over the mirror. Mugur watches closely as the milk rockets out of her rosebud into the air. What a girl she is! I sure know how to meet the wild ones, he thinks to himself...

  • 00:11:50
  • Oct 12, 2012
  • 215


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