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nurse s radical methods!

Always be wary of medical clinics with shadowy lighting. And nurses who wear strappy high heels while on duty. Case in point, the dark establishment where Demetris has gone to be treated by nurse Mira Sunset, who stands high on her spikes and practically glows in her pink latex uniform. Medicine has radically changed in recent years, it seems. Now healing is apparently accomplished by licking the patient’s ear, dropping spit into her mouth, feeling her naked breasts as she sits quietly in a chair, and then parting her pussy in preparation for penetration by a lifelike rubber cock. As the patient, Demetris is expected to provide her own lubrication for the dildo, by having it moistened with her own saliva as Nurse Mira slides it into her mouth...then Mira, following the principles of what must be the most obscure therapeutic research in recorded history, straps on the dildo, angles it toward Demetris for fellatio, and then adjusts the patient into the proper position for anal insertion. Obviously, doggie style dildo insertion is also recommended in the medical volumes somewhere, someplace, and the final recommendation is that such insertion be followed by more fellatio of the phallus, courtesy of the patient. We have a feeling, however, that these procedures may not be covered by everyone’s insurance plans.

  • 00:24:40
  • Oct 10, 2012
  • 258


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