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utensils for punishment [part 2]

Teena Lipoldino continues her correction of her naughty lover Danielle Maye with yet another devious device: candle wax! But first, she chastises Danielle’s considerable cleavage with the pointy edge of the paddle she had been spanking her ass with in the first installment of this scene. She digs the point into Danielle’s tender nipples, eliciting moans for mercy; but no mercy can be applied when Danielle had dared to defy and disrespect Teena by flirting with a man! Miss Maye must learn obedience is the only way under the reign of Lady Lipoldino. Teena tugs Danielle’s nubs, getting them ready for the heat attack of the wax, which comes from a dripping scarlet candle wick hanging upside down above...clever, diabolical utensil for punishment indeed! You will see it all, as Danielle writhes under the searing warmth of the wax, and Teena firmly prevents any flight or escape! Teena holds up Danielle’s boobs to the dripping of the wax, ignoring her lover’s begging her to stop! The dripping continues until Danielle’s knockers are a mess indeed, even as Teena temporarily softens to soothe her with a tongue kiss and a squeeze of Miss Maye’s naked snatch. Be here next week to see the climax in Part 3!

  • 00:15:38
  • Aug 08, 2012
  • 222


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